Sunday, December 19, 2010

'Stars' for 2011 (in a Gown)

I have been inspired for some time to create a gown from this Erté art (credit Sevenarts, Ltd.):

I am modifying it slightly with a silk ribbon halter strap.

It fits perfectly into my 'Luxe' theme for 2011, so it will be the new multi-size pattern ready for release in February.

The appeal is its overall simplicity, yet the texture of the bodice front which entails some engineering. As shown in a muslin iteration, the over-bodice front is shaped and stabilized with rayon covered millinery wire inserted and overcast into each dart:

I plan to make the final gown in coarse silk net I picked up last year. I have found a number of precidents for 1930's styles in coarse silk net:

A la Mainbocher's skirt, photo courtesy of

and 1930 pattern art:

Friday, December 10, 2010

1935 Afternoon Frock and Coat pattern is ready

Earlier this year, my e-mail list customers had two patterns between which to vote for the next new multi-size pattern I draft from original German designs of 1935.

They chose this one and it is now ready for purchase:

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

EvaDress Pattern Gift Certificates

Many of my customers request EvaDress patterns as gifts.

I have made gift certificates available in a number of U.S. denominations.
Click here