Friday, December 23, 2011

'Luxe' continues through 2012!

On the Boards for 2012...

Now out for release is this pattern I have been wanting to do for 12 years!

The original art for this pattern was not in good shape, so all I have is this view of the front (if anyone has access to a good stock image of this pattern McCall 6983 I would appreciate knowing about it!):

The following 1930's McCall patterns are certainly quite 'luxe' and therefore, fit the bill for the coming year! I plan to issue one each quarter throughout '12 (starting in May):

Thursday, December 22, 2011

EvaDress 2012 Pattern Catalogue

The full color pattern catalogue for 2012 is now available.

The 1932 evening gown multi-size pattern depicted on the front cover is scheduled for issue January 1, 2012.