When I opened the Year-End issue of Arizona Highways last November, I saw George Stocking's surreal image of white poppies along the Mogollon Rim and felt instantly compelled to retrieve the gown from the bottom of a box full of fabric.

These photos by Cynthia DeGrand

Here is instruction for how the front of that blouse neckline is draped:

1. Pleat Blouse Front at shoulder, bringing line of o’s to meet O’s and stitching together inside. (Fig. U)
2. Stitch Blouse Front at center front below extension matching notches.
3. Make pleat, creasing on vertical o’s and bringing to meet center front. Baste and stitch on crosswise o at lower end of pleat. (Fig. U)
...and the detail image of that front neckline:

WOW! Absolutely STUNNING! I love it a lot!
My that is stunning. Very Grace Kelly with a modern twist.
Wow - fabulous!
This is beautiful! That looks so completely comfortable and dreamy for an evening dress. And it flatters you! :)
Wow! So dreamy. I hve been contemplating on making this dress for myself but am just wondering about the front neckline. Have you altered it here because in the pattern illustration it looks a bit draped. Though I'm not so sure about the illustration as it is so small.
Anyways, love the look the dress :)
Hello Paula,
I tacked mine down probably too much as the weight of the double bias finish I did along that neckline proved a bit too heavy for the bobbinet.
You are right in that it should be more draped per the pattern art.
I will post a detail from the pattern art of that neckline shortly...
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